Now There Is A Better Way To Manage Your Network.

  • Tired of Spam
  • Worried about spyware, botnets and viruses
  • Employees visiting inappropriate websites
  • Wish you had more control

DSC is proud to offer the Untangle Firewall solution as a managed service now for our clients. Rather than the high investment needed for a typical professional firewall and the unknown operational costs for it, DSC provides a fixed fee structure for providing the entire solution, its upgrades and management for you. Untangle by Desktop Solution Center delivers an on-demand suite of applications that run on a single server which we provide. It will change the way you think about network software.

We even offer the first month free as a trial!

Untangle by Desktop Solution Center lets you:

  • control network activities that reduce productivity such as spam and inappropriate
    web surfing,
  • enable anytime anywhere access for remote employees, and
  • protect your computers and data from outside threats such as viruses, spyware, botnets, and phishing.
  • apply a different set of rules to different individuals within your company. You can have a sales team with full access to the internet yet maintain a service department that can only access their web based applications. You can completely lock down other users such that their computers only receive windows and virus updates. Let us show you how it could work for you.

We offer 3 different packages at various office sizes.

Core Features Minimalist Basic Premium
Virus Blocker – daily updates Y Y Y
Phish Blocker Y Y Y
Spam Blocker Y Y Y
Spyware Blocker Y Y Y
Web Filter (15 categories including porn, gambling, webmail and many more) Y Y Y
Protocol Control (including blocking P2P like Limewire and BitTorrent, Streaming Audio and Video, etc) Y Y Y
Intrusion Prevention & Attack Blocker Y Y Y
Firewall Y Y Y
Untangle Reports Y Y Y
Router & Quality of Service Y Y Y
Configuration Backup Y Y Y
Advanced Features
OpenVPN (secure connection from external computers) N Y Y
Active Directory Connector (administration allowed based on Windows Domain users rather than computer) N Y Y
Policy Manager (allow different rules to be applied to various users of network – ie, can limit some users to certain web sites, block some and permit others full access) N Y Y
eSoft™ Web Filter (over 60 categories) N N Y
Industry leading Kaspersky™ Virus Blocker – even more protection and more frequent updates) N N Y
DSC Exclusive Features
Next business day replacement in case of failure Y Y Y
Automatic blocking of new computers added to network N Y Y
Emerging Threats integration – blocking of newly identified problems prior to integration into virus, spyware and other filter mechanisms Y Y Y
Secure Wireless (additional hardware and setup fees apply) N/A Y Y
Public Wireless (requires secure wireless in place – additional setup fees apply) N/A Y Y

Automatic identification and isolation of compromised computers on your network (additional hardware required)

N/A Coming Soon
Pricing based on Network Size (other fees may be applicable)
1-10 Computers $125 $175 $225
11-20 Computers N/A $275 $375
21-30 Computers N/A $325 $450

Many other features are coming soon too.

Pricing has been shown for our most common configurations. Contact us if your needs exceed what’s shown. Depending on existing network configuration, installation charges may apply. If you continue, the pricing is based on one year service. A month to month program is 15% higher. A 10% discount is applied for annual prepayment.

For those clients who wish to go the traditional route of purchasing the hardware, installation and maintenance services separately, we can also provide that service. Contact us for more details.